Long time no blog

Hey blog, sorry for the neglect.

I will try to remember to update the last tiny bits of my time abroad in Paris when I have the time. 4th Year at university has just been way too busy! It’s been a constant go-go-go since I got back. I was just tidying up my blog and saw that I started a journal blog as an (unassessed) assessment of my year abroad. Obviously due to its unassessed nature, I did not complete it, but I made some pretty interesting vocabulary lists from my Year Abroad. I find that by writing down vocabulary, it remains much clearer in my mind and I am more likely to use it again in the future. It’s also pretty cool to read through and remember what I was doing that made me learn new words! (ie. A lot of zoo vocabulary from the beginning in Germany!)

I’ll pop them here so that I can delete the rest of that blog (mostly emptiness).

NOTE: This is more for myself to reminisce and learn, but have a scroll through if you’re interested!

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